∥TheMovie4U Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood Free Stream
Quentin Tarantino;
Ratings=8,1 / 10 Star;
summary=Actor Rick Dalton gained fame and fortune by starring in a 1950s television Western, but is now struggling to find meaningful work in a Hollywood that he doesn't recognize anymore. He spends most of his time drinking and palling around with Cliff Booth, his easygoing best friend and longtime stunt double. Rick also happens to live next door to Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate -- the filmmaker and budding actress whose futures will forever be altered by members of the Manson Family;
Margot Robbie
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Reality is Leo is just humble enough to know who has the more relevant, accurate answers when it comes to who the main character is. The point of this interview. If that little girl thinks That was the best acting she has ever seen in her whole life. she hasn't seen Leonardo Dicaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Leo is an Inception of an actor. Tarantino is talking like me, when I am talking about Tarantino. I freakin loved this movie. Living in LA Hollywood I was able to tour the city of dreams and see the dystopia it became in the 90s. The older stars had wonderful stories of the 50s-70s and the stories were amazing. The rise of Weinstein was in there and he was not as bad as guys from the past. The strangely over mature young lady was a constant meme in the tales that were told and how they were victimized. Mr. T was brave to ad her to his Opus to Hollywood. The end shocked me and I often wondered if Sharon would've survived would things be any better any different. I say no I think that the Mansons were just a part of the change. The rise of feminism and the changing society lead to the downfall more than anyone's murder. At the time it was a very important watershed as it showed the capacity of the audience to kill the movie. That's the way the older actors and crew put it. Those fanatics (fans) very violent fanatics were able to get to actors and crew members. Like the Bruce Lee fight or how Tate goes into the city alone to watch her own movie to see if anyone would recognize her and how the fans gave her free access to the movie and how it bombed because few people were in there. Leonardo De Caprio is one of the most incredible actors the screen has ever seen. He earned and was passed over for many Oscars his work in The Basketball diaries Romeo+Juliet and The Revenant were just a few of the many excellent roles Leo has played. So Mr. T casting him in this role is Tarantino casting a great actor who is fading. Like John Travolta, before him, Tarantino not only casts De Caprio as a fading actor given a resurgence in a There is way more little tidbits I could write here on this commentary but I've already made this super long. A great video has been a long time fan a few comments lots of thumbs. Later.
I'm fan of leonardo actually after watched this movie became fan of brad. Leo just sitting there thinkin about the environment man. For a really good, thorough background analysis of Charles Manson and the Tate-LaBianca murders, listen to the “Charles Mansons Hollywood” season of Karina Longworths podcast, “You Must Remember This”. I think the girl will grow up and become an amazing actress. Cliff killed Tex in the end with his own knife. 🔪. Unreal talent. Brilliant. Just got back from seeing this film. Fucking loved it so much. The 60s feel Tarantino nailed it. I felt I was in 1969 with the shiny cars, awesome music, etc. And the ending oh man so amazing. Possibly my favorite Tarantino movie next to Pulp Fiction. I was surprised at how much I liked it. This is what it must be like trying fo survive in Hollywood.
2:30 I shed a tear when i saw that scene. Whens it come out to rent. It was an excellent movie but even though the ending was happy it was sad as well, I really wish it had ended like that for real. That whole ahh, ahh, ahh. Scene had to be from somewhere. Cant wait to findout. Naw. It was something dumber than that. Something like rex. Am I the only one noticing that Polanski is going to the party wearing Django's blue dress.
It's like Calvin Candie became an actor. playing a cowboy. in the setting of another Tarantino movie. Is this meta, or just repetitive.
Unforgettable! One of the best movies I've ever seen. It made me weep at the end and I was emotional for hours afterward. Really touched my soul.
Brad Pitt is on track.
OUATIH is quite interesting movie but I am sure its not for everyone but anyone who respects a grand cinema movie making will enjoy this one
Quite unique movie again from Tarantino.
How about end credits and miss lily langtry by maurice jarre. i belive is a hommage to judge roy bean by john houston, or.
5:43 Look at Brad and Leo.